Enter into the Secret Garden, a place of tranquility and peace.
I call it my HAPPY PLACE!
A personal relationship with the Lord, and prayer is the key to victorious living.
Come join me as we Ask, Seek and Knock on the door of the heart of God for the answers to life.
This is the place to just be you, pour out your heart, and find solace. There is peace in the garden, tranquility and freedom from all burdens.

"Dear Jesus...
how foolish of me to have called for human help when You are here."
— Corrie Ten Boom (The Hiding Place)

Friday, July 29, 2011



This is a corporate word given at
Heart To Heart Christian Church
where my late husband and myself pastored.
Several people in the congregation shared
what they felt God was speaking.  As I
reread this word, I felt to add it in this
blog as I believe this word is still for us
today.  Blessings.. Reverend Donna Geertz



I am taking you to a place of a Face To Face encounter, to a place of change of heart, to a place that you know not of... Of a degree that I want to touch you, of a degree that I want to fellowship with you, of a degree that I want to ETCH My character INTO YOU that is greater than you have ever experienced ..

Are you WILLING for a Face to Face relationship with Me? Are you WILLING to lay upon the altar and have an encounter with Me?

Are you WILLING for Me to change you ... to give you New Eyes, to give you New Ears, to give you a New Mouth, to give you a New Touch ?

But, TRULY, IF YOU ARE WILLING ... I WILL. .. I WILL.  Because I AM the God that created the heavens and the earth, there is NOTHING TOO LARGE FOR MEIF YOU ARE WiLLING .... I WILL.  


I took Moses, saith the Lord, who had no confidence ...a man who ran, and I turned his life around and I USED that VERY WEAKNESS and made him STRONG. As I spoke to my people, Israel, so I say to you "The VERY AREAS in your life that you are weak, I will make YOU STRONG, I WILL and CAN DO the very things that you DOUBT, that which you say CANNOT BE DONE, for I AM GOD, I AM THAT I AM, I SAY TO YOU I AM THAT I AM.


"I breathe BREATH into you, I breathe the WORD into you and I shall breathe GLORY INTO YOU" saith the Lord.


Father, as we enter into our Sabbath Rest this week,whenever that time and day is for us personally, I pray that we would strive to enter into that Rest IN YOU ... and Lord, in that Rest, we would REFLECT upon Your magnificence, we would reflect upon Your bigness, we would reflect upon the God who is ABLE, we would reflect upon the areas in our lives where we have not perceived you as The ALL SUFFICIENT ONE. .. where we have considered our circumstances, or our situations larger than You... but, as we come into that Secret Place with You, we can reflect upon YOU, and ask that you will open the eyes of our understanding and enlighten us to see your Greatness ... may we see and hear in even Greater ways. 

Open our spiritual ears and eyes to hear and see you in New Ways, so that WE NOT REMAIN the same, but begin to bear fruit which WILL REMAIN.

We desire to move from Glory To Glory ... and to be light bearers in Your Kingdom. We desire FACE to FACE encounters with you our God and King.  A shallow relationship is NOT what we are looking for.

God cause us to come to an acknowledging and knowledge of the greatness of our sins, and create in us a perfect HATRED for our sins, that we not remain complacent and apathetic ...with our lives like yo-yo's ... up and down, in and out, but begin to walk in stability... may we experience a REAL burning bush experience .... as Jacob
realized who he truly was, let us realize who WE truly are and be changed.


The Lord would say: "I am taking Form, I am taking form in your lives saith the Lord, and I will take a New form in your lives says God, there are some forms in your life that are Not of me, but there are many things that I am getting ready to turn within your lives, and you will see the form take place in areas of your lives that you have not been able to take dominion over. God says, that He will take form, that Christ will take form within you ... as you have lifted up Holy hands today and as you cried out to me says God ... I will take form within you, I will take that which you could not handle says God, as you are laying down, and releasing things into My hands today ... there's a Releasing in the house today says God ... and that which you have released, I will sweep in swiftly, I will sweep in with My Spirit swiftly and do the work that you ask Me to do. As you have layed down yourselves upon the altar of sacrifice, I will cause a form to begin taking place.

There have been areas that, Yes,you could NOT HANDLE, for they were NEVER intended for YOU to handle. I AM the God, I AM the God who has said: I AM THAT I AM, and I will cause the crooked paths to be made straight, I will cause those areas of your life that have not been under your control, they will no longer be in that uncontrollable state ..... Ha, Ha, Ha, for they will be in the form that I INTENDED to place upon you. I intended to place My mark upon you from the very beginning,

I AM marking you this day, saith God, I am causing My mark to be upon your flesh, saith God, and you will be able to look upon yourself and KNOW that the change has taken place ... for I will cause you to THINK a different way, I will cause you to see things a different way, and I will cause you to SPEAK a different way says God.

I'm marking your lips this day for MY service ... the words that you speak that come out of your flesh ... I will cause it to burn as it were that coal of fire, I AM placing the coal of fire upon your lips today says God, you will not use the tongue as an instrument of you OWN pleasure, but it will be an instrument for My service says God ... you will speak what I say, says God .... in EVERY situation, whether you call it Natural or Spiritual... you are to utter words that are only from My Spirit from those lips of clay says God and I will cause the things that you have PRAYED AND PRAYED AND PRAYED and there's been no answers, I will cause those things to come to pass SO QUICKLY, you'll say ... "why didn't I do this before?"

But, God says .... "It wasn't the SEASON BEFORE there are SEASONS for RELEASING .. God says, don't miss the SEASON OF MY VISITATION, Receive the release TODAY and go to a different place.


Something I realized today was that I had always thought that Moses was running from the authorities because he had killed a man, but what I didn't realize was that he was really running from GOD, there had been a breach with God .... and as long as we allow those things that we have done wrong come between us, we are NEVER going to have a full relationship with God .... we don't want to be years in a desert place to get that out of us..



Corporate word given 6/3/03 at
Heart To Heart Christian Church


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